Sunday, February 6, 2011

Appreciating Life With Eyes Closed

Gayle's assemblage in progress

I  hurt my eye last weekend, but I have no idea how or when I managed to do it. When I finally went to see my eye doctor, he found the scratch, and told me it could have even been caused by a stray hair blowing in the wind. I guess this might be a downside of having long hair. In any case, once again I was forced to STOP: stop what I am always doing, which is working, and close my eyes; rest. God, I hate that!

Maybe you have a similar personality, and maybe you don't. Years of journaling and self-examination prodded by observations from my loved ones have taught me that I feel best about myself when I am accomplishing my goals. For me, this probably comes out of my childhood, growing up in a large family, and trying to be noticed in a good way. The end result, in my adult years, is that I have a very difficult time shutting down. My active artist's mind races through the day, and thinks all through most nights, as ideas flow into my consciousness and spill over into my dreams. I love that!

This week, I was left unable to actually bring my ideas into fruition, as my hurt eye failed to cooperate. I was left pondering ideas, and thinking of lists of what I wanted to do next. The situation was aided by the fact that two of my young grandbabies were here all week while their parents traveled. There is nothing like caring for babies to make one stop and smell the roses. They are a constant reminder of what is important in these brief lives we live. Stopping the whirlwind of self-absorbed brain activity to sit down on the floor and play, make lunch, read stories and cuddle is a good way to remember that the number of hugs and memories of being loved are a large part of what makes us who we can be.

Yesterday, I was able to get back to work. My week ended on an especially high note in my Be a Pro workshop. I had a great class of eight articulate and ambitious seekers, and the discussions were lively. I felt buoyed, and I hope the participants felt more empowered to find their ways forward as artists and writers.
Later this month, I will be teaching a workshop I call Spirit Boxes, Sacred Vessels and Shrines. We'll be making personally meaningful assemblages from found objects. Hope those of you who live locally can join us. Now...back to my journal lists. Have a great week, all!

Gayle's Reflections of Mexico assemblage


  1. Our bodies sometimes trick us into resting, whether we like it or not! Yikes;). Sounds like you had fun at your workshop, though. :) :) :)

  2. I would have been a raving lunatic (not that that's too far from what I am now, but I guess I would have been a MAD raving lunatic!!!).
    Yes, I have been down the road of being totally sidelined and not being able to do anything but WAIT. And it's not fun, but it sure gives one an appreciation of what we DO when we can get back to it!
    Hope all is well, and keep that hair in a ponytail! ;-)


  3. Princess, you are aware how many times I have been shut down this way. Uggghhh. Need to try to prevent the drastic shutdown! Anne, you are a kindred spirit with unstoppable energy, so I know you can relate. Embrace the "up time"; what else can we do?

  4. Gayle, would love to take the spirit boxes class. Will you be offering it again in the future? Can't take it this time :(

  5. Boo! Would love to have you, Mel! It's a workshop I typically offer once a year, so probably sometime next year.

  6. Oh Gayle this is an artist's greatest Lupus has had major effects on my personal vision... so I understand the trial and fear of the unknown...what is next? Stay warm and Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  7. Happy to hear you are back to work! I relate to your feeling.

  8. Mary Helen, your struggles (and victories) have been an inspiration to all. Nothing to do but keep moving forward. I am just grateful there is no permanent damage. That would make me really crabby.
    Terry, thanks for the wishes and the comment. Thanks, too for your great and inspirational blog.

  9. Hey Gayle, Whimsybeams here. The live feed on etsy is too fast for me, hope it didn't hurt your eye even more. I really like the speaker though. Just thought I'll leave a note saying I like how your personality shines through in your posts :)

  10. Hey, how cool that you stopped by, whimsybeams! Thanks, and thanks for the kind feedback. Please let me know when you set up a blog : )
    I know what you mean: the feed zips by, and I can't even click on the links!! Anyway, making coffee and gearing up for round 2. Guess I won't be getting any artwork made today.

  11. Oh, I just saw your blog address in my email! Check it out everyone:
