Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Stir Crazy and Wanting Spring

A page from my sketchbook, and a
reminder of spring, even in black
and white!
After weeks of slogging through the end-of-winter doldrums, the latest snowstorm stopped me dead in my tracks. I admit it. It the time of year in Ohio when I can no longer wait for spring to arrive, and I have officially gone stir crazy.

I was productive for weeks, doing my sunprinting and working on several new art pieces while also finishing up some pieces I have had laying around in my studio for quite awhile, including Bluebell / First Place.

No, I haven't forgotten about my Grandma prints. Did I mention that I have been housebound by the weather? On the desk by the front door is everything I need to get the images of Grandma enlarged, so I can make a giant collage that I will then print from. I just haven't been motivated to run across town in this horrible weather.

Bluebell / First Place was started as a collage made
during a playday with artist friends. Time to finish it!

So, I am reassured, as signs of spring appear under melting snow. Here's hoping!

My husband experiencing the end of winter blues.
I, for one, can't take much more.


  1. I can't believe how much snow you guys got this year! That is a crazy photo!!!!

  2. Nice to see your playful collage with all of those wonderful vintage fabrics mixed in with the transfer techniques. And when i saw the drawing on line I loved its simplicity and straightforwardness. Line sometimes says it all!

    1. Thanks, Clare. I have been making progress finishing up unfinished pieces and clearing them out of my workspace! I did stab myself finishing the collage, though, and had to spend an hour cleaning blood off the artwork. That's a post for another day: )) Thanks, too, for the observations about the line drawing. I have been trying, inspired by my friend Jill Milenski, to do a sketch every morning. I don't always get to it every day, but am happy when I do!
